Bottle Capping Machines for Different Industries

Capping machines play a crucial role in the packaging industry by sealing various types of bottles, jars, and containers. Depending on the industry and the type of closures used, different capping machines are employed. Lets explore the most popular capping equipment in specific sectors:

1. Bottled Water and Other Beverages

Closure Type: Beverages such as bottled water, soft drinks, teas, and sports drinks typically use screw-on caps.
Capping Machine: The spindle capping machine is the go-to choice for automatic capping in this industry. It uses spinning disks to grab and tighten screw-on caps as bottles move through the capping line. For smaller-scale production, chuck cappers are cost-effective options for semi-automatic applications.

Distilled Spirits

Closure Types: Distilled spirits (whiskey, vodka, etc.) use unique closures like corks, T-corks, or ROPP (Roll-On Pilfer-Proof) caps.

Capping Machines:

ROPP Cappers: These machines thread aluminum caps onto glass bottles, ensuring a secure seal.

Bartop Corkers: Used for T-corks and similar closures,capping machine manufacturer maintaining consistency and reliability in the sealing process.

Capsule Spinners: Add aesthetic value and tamper resistance to spirit bottles.


Closure Types: Pharmaceuticals may use screw-on caps or snap-on closures (which snap over a lip or ledge on the bottle).

Additional Features:

Inserts: Eyedroppers and other inserts enhance user convenience.

Both inserting machines and snap capping machines are available in automatic and semi-automatic versions.

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